The Party Place – Keystone Heights

We are 3 businesses under 1 roof. An enrichment center for people to take or teach a class, craft or skill. A tea room w/etiquette classes (offered upon request) and tea by reservation only. Finally a party venue, suited for an intimate gathering of 30 or less. We currently offer a Tot Time class for children 18 months to 4 years old on Tuesdays at 10 AM. The class is about an hour long and costs $10 per child with a sibling discount. ( caregivers MUST remain on site , it’s not a drop off )

Tea ranges from $25-35 a person and consists of sandwiches , desserts and over 40 teas to choose from. The party venue is $100 an hour with a three hour minimum. Guests can decorate or we offer packages to do the decorating. For those wishing to teach a class and use our space it is priced according to the event they are hosting. Usually based on a percentage.

The Party Place – Keystone Heights

7433 State Rd 21, Keystone Heights, FL 32656


Booking info

Host your party or event here

The Party Place – Keystone Heights

7433 State Rd 21, Keystone Heights, FL 32656

The Party Place – Keystone Heights

7433 State Rd 21, Keystone Heights, FL 32656