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Open Track Days At The FIRM

The FIRM - Florida International Rally & Motorsport Park 7266 Airport Rd, Starke

We welcome drivers of all experience levels to enjoy our track! Click Here for Registration, event cost, rules and things to help you plan ahead!   Open Track Days at The FIRM are the most fun you can legally have in your car! The FIRM open track days attract a diverse group of drivers. So […]

Docent Led Tours of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church & Parish Hall

St. Mary's Historic Episcopal Church 400 Saint Johns Ave, Green Cove Springs

Enjoy a free guided tour of the historic St. Mary's Episcopal Church, built in 1879. It is one of the few remaining examples of a historic Carpenter Gothic style churches in Florida. St. Mary’s was placed on the National Register of Historic Sites in 1979. The St. Mary's Docent Ministry offers free guided tours of the […]


The Evolution of Black Sacred Music

Mt. Zion AME Church 549 Palmetto Avenue, Green Cove Springs

The Friends of Augusta Savage, Inc. Cordially Invite You to Celebrate The Evolution of Black Sacred Music The program will cover African American musical forms from slavery to post-emancipation to the advent of gospel music. Emphasis will be placed on the work of Dr. Thomas Dorsey and the singers he used and developed to help […]

Paranormal Cirque III

Orange Park Mall 1910 Wells Rd, Orange Park

Slow down so you can take it all in…but if you scare easily, you might want to run….as we welcome you into this new world of Paranormal Cirque! Under this Clown Castle, the black and red big top tent, Acrobats of the Air, Illusionists, freaks, mysterious creatures and all the elements that make one think […]

Event Series Crybaby the Musical

Crybaby the Musical

Orange Park Community Theater 2900 Moody Ave, Orange Park

It's 1954. Everyone likes Ike, nobody likes communism and Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker is the coolest boy in Baltimore. He's a bad boy with a good cause – truth, justice and the pursuit of rock and roll. Cry-Baby and the square rich girl, Allison, are star-crossed lovers at the center of this world. Fueled by hormones […]